Vision & Values
Our vision at Escrick C of E Primary School At our school we want everyone to FLOURISH.
Respect and Resilience
Solve problems

We are all an important piece of the Escrick jigsaw and together we grow and learn. The Christian values of Wisdom and Joy underpin our Ethos and we value and respect everyone allowing us all to make a difference to the world.
‘Every person is an individual and also part of a community’ 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
Escrick Primary School Rules
READY- in your learning
- We arrive to school on time
- We have the correct uniform and PE Kit
- We have our equipment ready at the start of lessons
- We show that we are ready/ motivated to listen and learn
- We have a positive attitude and celebrate achievements
RESPECTFUL- in your relationships and the environment
- We listen when others are speaking
- We treat others as you would want to be treated
- We respect our school and belonging
- We embrace diversity/differences
- We respect that some people may need different strategies to manage their feelings and be ready to learn
- Respect others’ right to learn and for learning
- We respect the school rules, consequences system and the laws of society
SAFE – in your choices and actions
- We move around all areas of school safely including: classrooms, forest school, field, corridors, playground and school hall
- We follow instructions to keep ourselves safe
- We use equipment safely
- We stay safe online and understand how to say safe in our community and society
- We allow others to play and learn free from unkindness/disruption and bullying
- Click the link to contact the Local Authority regarding admissions to our school. North Yorkshire School Admissions
- Please refer to the North Yorkshire Admission Policy:
Admission Consultations
South York Multi Academy Trust is our admissions authority. Admissions consultation for entry in 2024-2025 which will be held by all admissions authorities in the City of York, opening on the 3rd October 2022.
Our Staff
From September 2024 at Escrick Primary School
Headteacher | Miss Miller |
Deputy Head & Y6 Teacher | Mr Broxup |
Mercury: Reception/Y1 Teacher | Mrs Braham |
Venus: Y1/Y2 Teacher | Mrs Robinson |
Earth: Y2 Teacher | Miss Curry |
Mars: Y3 Teacher | Miss Winfield |
Jupiter: Y4 Teacher | Miss Wilde |
Saturn: Y5 Teacher | Miss Polkey |
Neptune: Y6 Teacher | Mr Broxup |
SENDCO/SLT | Mrs Allen |
PPA Cover Teacher | Mrs Peters |
Teaching Assistant | Mr Agar |
Teaching Assistant | Mrs Cook |
Teaching Assistant | Mrs Fenton |
HLTA | Mrs Wareham |
ATA | Ms Humphrey |
School Administrator | Mrs Hall |
School Business Manager | Mrs Gibson-Bone |
Chair of Governors | Miss Jodi-Mai Atkinson |
Caretaker | Mr Warriner |
Cleaner | Mrs Piercy |
Catering | Miss Speak |
Kitchen Assistant | Miss Whiteley |
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